Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's a new racing season!

Well I thought I would try something different this year, I actually trained for the up coming race season. Thomas Wood has put together a training plan and schedule to get me ready for the race season. I started working out on a full time basis in November, so I am curious to see how my performance will be this year. This coming Sunday (Apr.17) is the first O-Cup so I will find out and update my blog...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Epic 8 hour Mountain Bike Race...

So on Saturday Sept. 25 I did the Fall 8 hour race at Hardwood Hills, and it was quite a day, I managed 9 laps of the course, I think it was 10.3 km or something like that. The object is to ride as many laps of the course as you can between 10am and 6pm. It was fun and I was finished at about 5:40 or so, and when I say finished, I mean that in every possible meaning of the word, thats all for now.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Holidays!!! Yahoo!!!

Carrie and I are heading to Algonquin Park for a couple days to do some camping, I can't wait to get into the quiet serenety of nature, just the birds and squirrels.... ha ha ha , thats funny, when I was booking a campsite they were packed solid, I was lucky to find a campsite so it will probably crowded, tent to tent but I don't care, it will be awesome!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time for an update?

Well I have this blog so I might as well add something to it, I am sure the masses must be dying to know what I'm up to :-).
Well, we had a bbq the other night as a Congrats to Sam for graduating her Nursing course and a Farewell to her and Marc Andre (and the pups) as they prepare to start a life in Churchill MB., it went very well, even though the slight drizzle turned into a downpour part way through dinner. I don't think it dampened peoples spirits (just their clothes). I think overall a good time was had by all.
My mountain biking is going pretty well so far this year, I moved up a category in the Ontario Cup series, I went from the Beginner Mens category to the Sport Masters Men Age 45-49 category, it may not sound like much but holy cow, I went from finishing in the top 10 of the group to finishing in the bottom 10, what a tough group, did I mention I race twice as far now?
That's all for now.

Friday, August 7, 2009

So last night was the race and it went pretty well for the first lap, than as I was about to start my second lap and as I started to breathe rather heavily (3 weeks off of the bike will do that to you) I felt the pain and decided to take a DNF and let the ribs heal a little more before I try racing again.
Since I went to the bother of creating a Blog I might as well put something on it.So three weeks ago I went over the handlebars on my mountainbike into a creek bed. What I guessed was a bruised rib may have been cracked. Last night I took my first ride on the trails, I rode a couple times on a paved trail. There was no pain so I think I will participate in the Thurday night races this week and see how it goes.
Here is a link to a mountainbike video of our weekly race series: